The birds appreciate being considered. Even though you did, others might not. I think about how much or how little our actions make a difference. Your actions made a difference in the lives of those birds. Even though some might see it as insignificant, I don’t. Of course it's significant. Whether or not motherhood enhances this significance, it should be natural to everyone regardless of their level of empathy. I see it like this: what if you were in the nest instead? What then would you expect to receive from the space that is inhabited? Could you trust your surroundings? Benevolence and consideration is always the answer. At least to me.
I think that we have evolved to be wary. Lifetimes ago it was a life or death scenario when trusting the wrong person. Maybe that is true today also. Regardless, it is natural for us to be cautious with who we trust. The natural thing is to run around with so-called ‘trust issues.’ The strange thing is to be naive. Maybe though, it's better to be naive and free thinking like children. If only everyone could have a shared trust and safety.......It only takes one bad egg after all.
A Last Note:

Comments 2
I love your last note. Let it be known! There are enough worms for all the birds!!
I agree that empathy is vital, that maybe the only reason we are moved by something is that we find a parallel in our own lives.