Week 5 Akyra

A Student Response From:


"My motherland that you step on

It is the feeling of getting your hair done early in the morning
Pulling and stretching
Tears falling down your face but ribbons and plastic ball chongos make it better

I think of my existence, my culture
Where was I really from
Vivid colors and a storm approaching
I'm on my homeland, at least half, or half of half

Thinking about what it would be like if my ancestors continued their legacies

Strawberry picking
My grandmother was a farmworker since she was about six years old

I think of my ancestors and the future generations
My dad being in AIM and the brown berets
Carrying on the legacy
Dedicating my life to the betterment of the future generations
Beating heart
Being red, being brown, being white
I’m screaming the echoes of distant drum songs
Riding the rain clouds to a river

This is my motherland you’re walking on
The red dirt shows our skin and our blood
Still new, colonization still here
Racialized into oblivion

My motherland that speaks into the wind
Also shares her heart
Listen to her when she says

A photograph of a painting. It is a black background with a white moon on one side and blue on the other. Pueblo buildings like those in Taos are in the background, rain falls from the center. Three sisters crops are on the other corner opposite the buildings and in the center a singing person.

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