Week 4 Christopher

A Student Response From:ChristopherI will be a witness for the transformation from the impossible to the possible. I see you! I see you! I see you catching the heat of the day! Let’s collect impossibilities and see if we can make some shoes out of them. I have always wanted to make some shoes. Let’s gather large tufts impossibility, the …

Week 4 Seb

A Student Response From:SebStop and smell the roses. The universe gives so much to us, but what do we give back to it? The beauty, the details, every minuscule part of nature gives something to each of us, yet we often pass it with no mind. At what point do we finally pay it any attention? Next Student Reply

Week 4 Fifi

A Student Response From:FifiI have written five drafts of a response. I think life is something secret, like a spiral curling tight and tighter within itself while simultaneously growing out wide and wider. A matryoshka of fractals. Beginnings overlap ends. Everything pulsates. Breathe in and breathe out, empty and refill. I can write it and I can paint it but …

Week 4 D4

A Student Response From:CristianTo be able to focus on the little things can have such a great impact. Looking at something without witnessing its details can make you miss some things you would never know were there. Secrets hiding in the shadows of blindness. Take your time, you are in no rush. Appreciate the small details life has to offer, …

Week 4 D3

A Student Response From:YamileI think we spend our whole lives trying to find who we are. Consciously and subconsciously. But how do we do that? I don’t know, I’m still figuring it out myself but I think we slowly grow into ourselves as we live and go through different aspects of our life. I think you’re right we have to …

Week 4 D2

A Student Response From:EmilThis week’s prompt made me think a lot about the recent difference in goals between older and younger people. A lot of parents and grandparents place lofty goals upon their children and give advice on how to achieve it, but that advice is along to lines of “put your foot in the door.” Meanwhile, more and more …

Week 4 D1

A Student Response From:Megan I believe that the end of this prompt is super important. I find that in a lot of ways I am the one standing in the way of goodness, and happiness for myself. I create roadblocks and difficulties for myself to be able to experience them. This is something I am working on improving and figuring …

Week 4 C4

A Student Response From:Aubrey This week’s prompt felt almost meditative in the way that it was written. Most of the time, I find it really hard to find “my zen” in the midst of the human expectations and responsibilities that have been thrust upon me and everyone else to exists on this planet. It feels like I’m meditating in the …

Week 4 C3

A Student Response From:Taylor A long road to get there and there’s nothing at the “”end”” nothing to gain at the end of everything enjoy the ride enjoy the little things on the way enjoy the little “”ends”” along the wayNext Student Reply

Week 4 C2

A Student Response From:CatI’ve never seen or felt snow. It’s a misunderstanding to say that I’m excited, even though too much snow is another casualty. I know that even though in here snow doesn’t last, it’s thrilling to have the thought of being close to the snow, to the coldness and the new seasons. I can say that it’s also …