Week 5 B2

A Student Response From: Hannahstruggled with the idea of privilege for a long time. My background is a very privileged one and as a kid, I did not understand why I had privilege and others did not. I suppose I chose to accept it until I came to college where I met people of many backgrounds. Now I can smell …

Week 5 B1

A Student Response From: ChristopherCan I separate my thinking from the influence of how my mother dressed me? She never dressed me in clothes that had images on them or brand names with logos. Solid colors only. Somehow my mom made it work, I never felt it was unfair, that’s just how it was. Now, I don’t like wearing brands, …

Week 5 A4

A Student Response From: CatWhen I was younger I had to walk to school. Whether it was raining, windy or sunny my mom would pick me up and carry me on her back. And if she couldn’t that day my grandfather would let me ride on his anorexic malnourished horse. And yet still, my mother would brush and make me …

Week 5 A3

A Student Response From: g tI’ve often wondered about these people Rose speaks of- these people living in tiny houses and buying teslas and becoming “minimalists” isnt it rather insulting? I agree that it sounds like the right thing to do. Like it’s the equitable choice, but wouldnt any thought beyond the knee jerk reaction be to do something more …

Week 5 A2

A Student Response From: PatrickHardship. That’s the first word that comes to mind after reading through this week’s prompt. The prompt gave us–the readers–more insight into the background that Ms. Simpson comes from, as well as what she tries to do for her daughter. Rather commendable, if you ask me, for is it not a parent’s duty to ensure that …

Week 5 A1

A Student Response From: BrittanyVery interesting view of things. I don’t think its to bad to some times not brush your hair and get a little bit of dirt under the fingernails. I agree there is a time and place to clean up and present yourself in a clean manner. I think this art is interesting and creative. The composition …