Week 1 Nolan

A Student Response From: NolanWhen it comes to my safe place i always consider my home of the Acoma Pueblo whether it be where i grew up there? or on top of the mesa of Acoma and Tohatchi which is on the navajo reservation, I can say these are my safe places because of how much comfort they bring physically …

Week 1 Tera

A Student Response From: TeraI have trouble with the idea of self. I went to catholic school as a child and was not allowed to question the teachings of the catholic church as well as any person in a position of power. I had to accept things I didn’t believe in as truth and was not allowed to think freely. …

Week 1 Aidan

A Student Response From: AidanBasically I identify myself as different people depending on what Im doing and who I’m interacting with. For example, I am completely different from when Im gaming from when Im playing with my cat. Im different when talking to my teachers vs my friends. Im different when writing music than when Im recording it. I beleive …

Week 1 Emil

A Student Response From: EmilTo me, truth is deeply entwined with love, because to love someone or something you have to care enough to know about them. Love is sitting though someone you care about as they rant about something you have no knowledge of, and truth is knowing that it makes them happy to talk about it. Love is …

Week 1 Rene

A Student Response From: ReneWhen I was a kid, I was kicked out of my fifth-grade class. In the old days there was forced integration and when it ended, my mom opted to have us remain at the all-white school we were bussed to, instead of the school back in the hood where we lived. One day I had to …

Week 1 Caitlyn

A Student Response From: CaitlynWhat amazes me is the fact that our own truth never stays the same. You mentioned that each person holds their own truth, but do they? If we as humans are constantly changing our minds can we really say that we have a truth? One might say that truth is a matter of the present. Truth …

Week 1 Meagan

A Student Response From: Meagan Moreno”Truth” as a permanent, unwavering concept is so comforting to me in theory because that is so contrary to what it actually is. My life is a constant loop of sitting and listening to other people’s truths, to situations that often have little to nothing to do with me, and fighting to decipher my own …

Week 1 Yamile

A Student Response From: Yamile LoyaHi Rose, my name is Yami. To begin, I really enjoyed when you said “I’ve noticed there’s freedom when we realize maybe it doesn’t matter.” This is a thought I have been having for the last couple of months because what is life if we are not doing things that “nourish” and fulfill us. I …

Week 1 Anran

A Student Response From: Anran ZhangI don’t know how much I expected people to know each other. I’ve come to realize that it’s a luxury to want a person to feel me the way I feel that person. There may not be another piece of the puzzle that perfectly fits me, and if there was, it would be one in …

Week 1 Nora

A Student Response From: Nora VaneskyHi Rose! There were a few lines within your week 1 writing that really stood out to me — thinking about favorite places, whether real or imagined, and your next line that brings this idea of place to the sensations we feel when we are there. Can you love a place without loving who, or …